Sharp TV Black screen of death or What to do when your sharp TV turns on but the screen is black? You may face this situation at least once in a lifetime. So this Sharp TV Black Screen may happen because of several reasons like the backlight broken, the IR sensor not working. Furthermore, to know the solution guide for Sharp TV Black Screen, just read below.
Sharp TV black screen of death
Nowadays, it is common to have a black screen on a sharp TV. The sharp TV black screen of death happens mainly for these listed reasons,
- The antenna or AV cable may not be fixed correctly.
- The power supply is buffering.
- The backlight may burn.
- The connection may be lost and so on.
For all the issues related to the Black screen on Sharp TV, You will get the step-by-step guide in this article. All you need to do is, search for the error and fix it.
Register Your TV is incomplete
If you bought the new Sharp smart TV or Sharp Aquos TV, then you should register your TV. For registration, you should contact the sharp corporation. And they will provide the procedure to register your TV. Moreover, if the registration process is incomplete, then the screen of your TV will be black screen. But the DVD player can still work. Therefore, if the registration is incomplete, just complete it and the problem (Black screen of sharp TV) will be solved.
Check the cables of Sharp TV
You should check the AV, component cable, or HDMI cable of the sharp TV. Whether the cables are correctly connected with Ports. Ensure that the sharp tv cable is not broken. In addition, ensure that the picture mode is on the AV cable. If everything is right, then just check the below guide.
Check the Antenna sensor
If you are using the Antenna on a sharp TV, then Ensure that the Antenna direction is correct and the cables are connected correctly. If you don’t know how to check the antenna sensor, then call the professionals.
Incase, you are using the Digital antenna, ensure that the power socket and outlet are in good condition. Then, tune the channel according to the radius frequency. Once you fit, restart the sharp TV. Also, choose the Input as AV/ Antenna option to stream the local channels.
Replace remote control Batteries of Sharp TV
Sometimes the IR blaster sensor may not work with Sharp TV. So while changing the channel, the black screen or horizontal line on sharp TV will appear. Therefore, change the battery to get rid of the Sharp TV Black Screen error. To change the battery, open the Remote battery space (Available on the back side) >> replace the old battery with a new Battery. That’s it. Now you are done!
Change the Power Outlet
Check that the power outlet and the wall outlets are undamaged. If not Unplug the power cable from the outlet and plug it again. Or else, change the power cable and outlet. And check if this works properly. So, if the power outlet has no issues with the power supply – then you won’t get this error on your sharp TV.
Sharp TV Black Screen – Bad Electric Board or Backlight
Yes, the Sharp TV Black Screen error may happen because of the bad electrical board or backlight. This board can get burned because of the overheating and sudden power supply. To find out if your sharp TV has a bad electric board or backlight,
- Switch off the sharp TV.
- By using a flashlight, you should flash in front of the Sharp TV.
- If any images appear, it means the backlight is burnt or damaged. And if not, the board is good.
How to Reset the Sharp TV? Sharp TV Black Screen
First, you should do a hard reset, followed by a Factory reset. Already, you people know that the Hard reset and Factory reset are different. Factory reset will erase all the files on the Sharp TV whereas Hard reset reboots the file and it will erase unwanted temp. files on Sharp TV.
Factory reset: Unplug the power cable >> press and hold the channel and input button >> Then plug it back with the power cable. Turn ON sharp TV >> select the settings >> service mode >> Factory reset.
Hard reset on Sharp TV: On the Sharp TV >> press the Menu button >> search for setup >> reset option >>Clear particular data. Once you complete the process, then the Sharp TV Black Screen will be OFF.
Sharp TV Black Screen with sound – Sharp TV Black screen of death
If you are using the external Antenna or digital Antenna, then the relay of the picture may get blurred and provide a black screen on a sharp TV. It happens because of the sensor problem. To get rid of Sharp TV’s Black Screen with sound errors – Follow the steps below;
- Keep the Antenna in the right direction.
- If you are using the DVD player on Sharp TV, ensure that the cables are correctly connected to the particular ports.
- Reset the channels on Sharp TV.
NOTE: If the particular channel has an error like Sharp TV Black Screen with sound mean, The error happens on channel Network. If all the channels facing the same Sharp TV Black Screen issue – just try these methods.
Sharp TV Black Screen of Death – Incorrect Display settings
somehow the picture settings of the sharp TV may change. So the channels may look like Black screens. Unless the Picture mode settings on Sharp TV are automatic. To check the picture mode; On the Sharp TV >> select the settings >> picture mode >> Change it to automatic or set it to another option. That’s it. Now you can watch a sharp TV without a black screen.
Sharp TV Netflix black screen – Black screen of death
Why is my Sharp TV Netflix on a black screen? It means the issue may happen because of cable or the network. Just restart your home network. Moreover, log out from Netflix on Sharp TV. Clear the recent files. Then, after 16 seconds, log in to the Netflix account on Sharp TV. More importantly, ensure that the Netflix app is an updated version of Sharp TV. Now the black screen will not appear. Still, sharp TV Netflix Black screen, contact the Netflix help center.
Check if it is solved or Contact the Netflix help center.
Black screen sharp Roku TV
- Check internet connections are good.
- Ensure that the Roku software is updated.
- Ensure that the Roku remote batteries are in good condition.
- Change the Roku remote – if the IR sensor is not working.
If everything is good, then you conclude that the Sharp TV Black Screen may be on that particular channel. Change the channel and enjoy the shows on Sharp Roku TV.
LCD and OLED panels are defective on Sharp TV – Black screen of death
If your LCD and OLED panels are defective or damaged, Then a Black screen will appear on Sharp TV. To recover the screen from black, You should change the whole LCD and OLED glass on the sharp TV. You can contact the professionals to repair the sharp tv. Or else, use the warranty card to get the LCD and OLED sharp TV at a discount price. Moreover, visit the nearby store of Sharp Corporation, and ask an ideas for changing the pannels of Sharp TV.
Black screen on sharp TV using Airplay or screen mirror
This black screen issue may be caused if you are using the Airplay or screen mirror option on your Sharp TV.
- Check that the mirroring is enabled on Sharp TV.
- If the particular file on the phone may not have full space – then you may face the Black screen of death scenario, while you cast the particular file on sharp TV.
- Update the phone software.
Still facing an issue with the Black screen on the sharp TV, Reconnect the phone with the sharp TV. Check battery- if the charge is low then the airplay on Sharp TV will stop completely and it shows as a Black screen.
Final words
I hope you have finally gotten rid of the Black Screen of Death or the Black Screen on Sharp TV issue. If ot continues, contact Sharp Corporation customer care, and explain the issues. They will provide a good solution. Moreover, if you have any other doubts related to this article, just use the comment sections.